What is an ama reducing diet?

Ama is toxin.  It is often that you hear that you are what you eat.  You will be surprised to know how much of toxin reaches your body via the food you eat. These toxins are not just from the fertiliser and pollution that affects the food we consume but also the way we consume it. Here are a few tips to a healthy and an ama reducing diet.

1- Eat light, warm, cooked and easily digestible food. Eating light is a good way to keep your toxins in check as a light meal is quickly and completely digested by your system. It also means the body is able to absorb significant quantities of nutrition from the food as it is not being pushed to digest a large quantity. Eating warm food keeps most pathogens at bay as well as your body is able to move to the digestion process much easier than eating cold foods. It is advised that you consume cooked food as it kills any natural pathogens that existed in your food prior to cooking. Consuming easily digestible food is good for your body as your systems is not taxed in the digestion process. You must also be aware that a person with limited exercise and who spends most of their time on the chair does not need the same amount of food or calories as someone who uses their body throughout the day doing physical labour or playing a sport.

2- Eat freshly prepared foods like phulka, parathas, rice, roti, dosa, idly, kichadi, soups, dals etc. These fresh and light foods keep your digestive system in good shape and also makes you feel light. This, in turn, reduces any possibility of toxin buildup within your body.

3- Prefer that the food you consume is cooked in ghee, coconut oil, ground oil, sesame oil, or mustard oil depending on the region where you reside or you are originally from. Avoid synthetic and refined oils as they include chemicals that are used to clear up the natural oil. Natural seed oil is one the best cooking mediums as they do not contain unnatural fats that are difficult to digest.

4- Opt for brown sugar, honey, jaggery as a sweetener instead of refined sugar. White sugar is widely known as one of the white poisons for a very good reason as it contains a wide variety of chemical residues that remain from refining it. Natural sweeteners do not contain harmful chemicals and often have added health benefits as they aid in digestion and help in boosting your immunity.

5- Hydrate your body with boiled warm water. Warm water aids in your digestion as well as it helps the body maintain its optimum temperature. Consume buttermilk, fresh juices and tender coconut instead of artificially sweetened and aerated drinks.

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How to reduce toxin buildup in your body

Avoid ama producing foods: These foods either induce ama into your body or aggravate and increase the already present toxins. If you are keen to cut down on intake and buildup of toxins or ama in your body then here are a few things that you must surely consider.

1- Do not consume leftovers, dead food such as packaged, canned, frozen foods. Since food is life-giving, the moment cooked food gets to room temperature it starts attracting pathogens and this is the reason why it is always recommended to consume fresh and freshly prepared food. Packaged, canned and frozen food is often processed and thereby exposing it to chemicals that are used to process the food. These foods contain traces of harmful chemicals and carcinogens that accumulate in your body over time as you continue consuming these products.

2- Avoid heavy dairy products such as cheese or curd. The two primary reasons to avoid or reduce the intake of modern-day dairy are:

  • a- The manufacturing process used to manufacture cheese, curd and other dairy products are modern industrial processes which use chemicals to achieve the results quickly that take time when they occur naturally.
  • b- Our modern day sedentary lifestyle has altered our metabolism and almost all of the fat contained in these products is retained in the body.

These products when consumed regularly, increase the kapha in your body. Agrivated kapha leads to blockage is the srotas (minute channels in the body).

3- Say No to food that is fried or oily. Fried food not only tastes great but is also terrible if you have a metabolic malfunction. As the nutrition value is very low in fried food and the body only converts a small portion to energy and the rest is stored or sent to the liver to sort. This is a major cause of toxin buildup and a high-stress job for the liver.

4- Refrain from heavy desserts. Food that contains refined sugar, iodized salt etc are harder to digest and breakdown thus increases the ama. As much as it is convenient the refined sugar should be replaced with organic brown sugar or powdered jagree. Natural rock salt aids in taste apart from having several benefits due to the minerals that it contains.

5- Avoid food that creates garvisha (environmental toxins). Foods that are not organic, grown with chemicals, pesticides, chemical fertilisers and foods with chemical additives. With excessive pressure on the liver, these toxins are retained in the body and impede metabolic activity and other systemic transactions that lead to malfunctions in organs.

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Are we accumulating toxins?

Our body is a remarkable machine. It works hard, day in day out to process every input that we knowingly or unknowingly put into it. It differentiates what is good for you and what isn’t, and uses what we need and discards what we don’t. This well-oiled machinery is subject to a lot of stress in the present day.  The changing lifestyle and the rising pollution around us have resulted in a change of regular metabolic activities and excretory functions of our body. These changes result in the accumulation of toxins (ama) and alter the equilibrium of the body and its systems.


Our current lifestyle adds significant amounts of toxins from adulterated foods, polluted air and water. Overwhelmed with a continuous bombardment of stressors from toxins in processed food, environment, our workspaces, unresolved emotional tussles, psychological and physiological stress, the body accumulates some degree of toxins which over time builds up in the systems and tissues, compromising our health. These toxins even cross placental barriers and affect the growing foetus leading to birth defects, autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, learning disabilities, behavioural issues etc.

The symptoms of toxic accumulation are often quite visible. Here are few of those symptoms that you might have noticed.

Fatigue: Your coffee is not getting you through your day like it used to! You have this nagging fatigue despite sleeping for 8 hours. The fatigue is your body signalling you that all is not well. Often a good rest and fresh air dispell the fatigue. When your immune system is under pressure or imbalance in your hormones the body experiences fatigue. This is often due to toxin build up.

Acne or Rashes: The skin is our first defence against the environmental toxins. Acne and rashes are a very early sign of toxin build up, your skin is the first to succumb as it is one of the primary excretory organs. Skin is exposed to a variety of toxins constantly. Right from the pollution in the air and water, to the chemicals in soap, shampoos, deodorants/antiperspirants, cosmetics, and of course excessive exposure to the sun.

Constipation: Constipation causes the toxins to build up in your system as it not being expelled at the rate at which it is being accumulated in the body. The intestines along with the liver are responsible for absorbing the good stuff and expelling the bad ones. While you are constipated this process is hindered and you will experience the effects of it as a headache, acne, bad breath etc.

Bad breath: Are you experiencing bad bread despite brushing your teeth twice a day regularly or like a few people after every meal? You chew gum, mouth fresheners, use mouthwashes etc but bad breath persists? There is a good chance that your liver is unable to break down and expel the toxins. The liver plays a vital role in cleansing your system and keep your metabolic functions optimal. Thus the old proverb, the life of the liver depends on the liver.

Aches and Pains: If you are experiencing muscle and body aches without having done any major physical task, then it is a certain indication of the toxin buildup in your system.

Gout: This is another common symptom of dysfunctional metabolism. While your body continues to try and break down the protein, if the liver and intestines are unable to function optimally, a significant portion of the unmetabolised protein begins to accumulate in the body. This is toxic and apart from the pain, it aggravates the impediment of the metabolism.

Thankfully there is something which you can do to give your body a break. With the help of Ayurvedic cleansing process known as Shodhana Karma, you can reduce the complexity and variety of inputs to the body so that it can rest, recuperate and repair itself. The body takes advantage of the break from the deluge of damaging inputs to do some very deep cleansing. Of course, regular meditation and moderate exercise help act as a catalyst during the recuperation.

Read here – 5 Reasons to regularly detox your self – https://www.brahmasutra.in/5-reasons-to-regularly-detox-your-self/

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5 reasons to regularly detox your self

Have you felt lethargic in a couple of hours after waking up? Are you experiencing swelling or water retention? If your answer to either of them is yes, then there is a good chance that your body’s detox mechanism is overloaded or malfunctioning. When your body’s natural mechanism to remove toxins from your body does not function optimally, there is a toxin buildup within your body. These toxins impede your body’s natural immune system, and other defence mechanisms making you vulnerable to infections from the environment.

Just like every other machine, the body too needs it’s rest and periodical service and maintenance to keep it running efficiently. When you regularly detox your body, it helps in maintaining the crucial vata, pita and kapha balance with respect to your body type. This periodic cleansing also releases the toxins that have settled in the system.

So here are the top 5 reasons why you must detox regularly 

  1. You will be physically and mentally fit to perform your daily activities.
  2. Your body is able to process food and break it down completely with a well balanced Agni.
  3. Your metabolism improves thereby improving your life force or oorja.
  4. Your immune system will be able to fight and ward off infectious attacks from the environment.
  5. Your body’s natural detox mechanism will function optimally keeping you healthy.

So how does one do a detox? If you are considering doing a detox and are doing it for the first time, then it is best you do it under the guidance of a medical practitioner. The doctor will assess your body constitution, your current state of health, inquire about any visible or experiential symptoms, your food habits, and other habits such as smoking, drinking etc. These help the doctor asess your mental and physical condition to create a detox program that suits and will benefit you.

As Ayurveda suggests that each individual is unique and thus their body needs individualised observation and therapy recommendations. It is not a one size fits all regimen that promises to make you sparkling new.
Ayurvedic natural detox is based on the panchakarma therapy of Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Vasti and Raktamokshana. These therapies must be undergone under the guidance of an experienced doctor who will prescribe the panchakarma therapies based on your body assessment.

The objective, duration and frequency of detox will vary from person to person. It is recommended that you have a clear and realistic objective for your body before you begin your detox. Having unrealistic expectations from your body or the detox program you undergo is a sure shot at disappointment. By having realistic objectives you can assess your progress through the program and after it. While you may not be able to measure small differences physically after the first or second detox programs you will certainly experience a sense of lightness and well-being.

Have you been through a detox recently, or do you detox regularly?

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